Sunday, October 8, 2017

ITP-Breakdown of the effects of Dexamethasone on my body--DAY #6

Day #6

Historically day 6 is the worst day of the cycle. I'm hoping that is the case this time as well, because I'm not at all excited about feeling any worse than I do right now.

I went to ward council (I'm currently the Relief Society President in my ward), then came home, had some breakfast, and went to church. I only stayed through Sacrament meeting, then came home and went to sleep. Woke up around 2:30 when Eric and our daughter came home. Watched Harry Potter (our October Sunday tradition), and now I'm back in the bedroom, door closed, sequestered in the quiet. The sensory sensitivity is much much worse today.

Today I feel fragile, and exhausted, and very very discouraged, maybe even depressed. But experience has taught me that this is all temporary, and it will turn around soon. The trick is just to hold on until it does.

The love that has come to our family by way of good wishes, and food, and little pick me ups has been so humbling and so kind. It's truly a blessing to know of the love that surrounds me. Difficulties notwithstanding, I'm a blessed girl.