Once again, got to sleep around midnight. I generally take a Unisom around 8 or 9 in the evening, which will often get me tired enough to actually sleep (rather than lying in bed with my eyes wide open) around 10. But last night that wasn't the case. Oh well, there are lots of little changes on this road, you never know exactly what you are going to get. Once I did get to sleep, I slept mostly well, and didn't wake up until my alarm went off at 8:00 (I purposely set it late once I realized that I wasn't going to get to sleep until late). Took my meds, drank a kefir peach smoothie, and started moving around and getting ready for work.
I'm definitely moving slower today, having a harder time focusing. As I was reading my scriptures, I only read a few verses until I set them down because I was having a hard time concentrating. Similarly, while driving to work, I turned off the book on CD that I'm listening to, because it felt too distracting. I'm also having hand tremors, a bit of congestion in my nose, and a case of the munchies. My impatience with people and situations (that are surely much more innocuous than they seem to me right now) is continuing and worsening, so I'm just trying to keep my mouth shut, and remind myself that everything will look better in a week or so and not to do anything stupid now while I'm viewing life through "steroid eyes."On the bright side, my emotions seem to be more in check today, I'm not tearing up at things. So, that's a welcome development.
I must say, I'm grateful to have been through this process enough times so that I have a feel for what it all entails and what to expect. It helps me not to blow things out of proportion or get feeling too sorry for myself, and it helps me to remember that it will pass, and that this isn't the way my life is going to be day after day forever and ever, that sometimes I will have to fight, and sometimes I will get breaks from fighting. All very encouraging aspects of this condition.
The day got harder as it wore on. I skipped karate and my weight meeting, went to parent teacher conference (where I learned that my kid is A ROCK STAR!!!!), went visiting teaching (which was calming and helpful), had my hubby take our daughter to karate while I sat on the couch and ate chocolate chips, (the dinner of champions) and half-heartedly watched "Call the Midwife" while stewing over some things that had happened during the day. Definitely a few poor choices there at the end, but sadly, not all that out of the ordinary on steroid day 3,4,5, or 6.
This too shall pass. I know it will pass.